
Eye of the storm

SkaĆ°i I


3 Years
Extra large
10-02-2014, 09:18 AM

Wind struck her from all sides; she no sooner adjusted to brace against the invisible force pushing from one side that it chose to come at her from another, the sudden change nearly toppling her on more than one occasion. Mixed with the unforgiving wind was a bone chilling rain. Flung at high speeds, the droplets sliced through her pelt to strike her skin. It was like getting stung by hundreds of bees at once.

Amid the gale, several trees had fallen, their trunks and limbs crossing in a crush of mangled wood to create a large hollow that, while by no means dry, offered shelter from the elements. Spying the hollow, Skadi slipped inside. The space was surprisingly spacious, and although there wasn't enough room for her to stand at her full height, there was enough that she was able to crouch and shake the water out of her coat. The mud beneath her paws was thick and cold, and if not for the storm raging beyond the confines of the hollow, would have made the shelter unacceptable. Seeing no alternative, the fae seated herself.

Movement beyond the hollow drew Skadi's attention away from the mud at her paws. A figure moved through the slanting rain. She watched him, eyes passively tracking his movements with the same amount of interest one would watch grass grow with. It was only a matter of time before he spied her shelter and it was with that in mind that she decided to act first. "Boy!" She jerked her head in the direction of the empty space beside her in a wordless invitation.

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