
Flirtin' With Disaster



5 Years
10-02-2014, 02:46 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Honestly, Anais was quite amazed. As she stared at him, recollecting everything their short acquaintanceship had been comprised of so far, she thought this new face of Pyrros entirely surprising and unrecognizable. There was no laughter to his eyes, no mischievous curve about his smile as he offered one to her sister, nor did he hover close beside her or try to get closer to even brush his tail against her as he had once done. It seemed he was on his best behavior, playing the part of a chivalrous courtier to a tee. Her yellow-gold eyes blinked a few times in surprise, stunned at his performance. Did he intend to win over her parents then? She might not have believed him capable of it before, but now she wondered if he might actually have a chance.

Or at least she would have had her father not reacted the way he had. She had barely had enough time to draw away and introduce the male before he was ordering her to get a safe distance away from the hazel-eyed stranger, confusing her immensely until he directed his next question at the wolf himself. Oh no! His scent was still on her, testament to the uncomfortable position he had put her in, and apparently whatever bad feelings she had had about the whole thing had been right for her father - and mother, for the expression on her face was frightened as well - to react this way. Apparently what had happened had been wrong.

Her ears folded and her head lowered, feeling a complicated mixture of fear and guilt. Should she have stopped Pyrros from pinning her right when he had? Should she have voiced her discomfort sooner? Obviously something had been done wrong, and she worried it might have been on her part despite the blame very obviously being placed on Pyrros alone. As her father turned on her again, his voice still harsh in his desperation for answers, she wilted further under his blind stare, beginning to speak only to have the words die as a startled noise when he proceeded to scent her chest and legs. Desperately she tried to explain, hoping somehow to make things better. "He-he just pinned me," she answered unsteadily and with a stutter, glancing anxiously between her father and Pyrros. Did she even dare mention how he had touched her ear and neck, or the words he had whispered to her while he had her there? She shivered even at the recollection of it and decided against it. It was not something she wished to repeat aloud.

Alongside her father, her brothers and Destruction voiced their displeasure as well, the noise of their combined words and growls creating an entirely hostile environment. Her legs shook slightly thinking that at any second, if the wrong thing was said or the wrong gesture made, a fight could break out. She might have still felt intimidated by Pyrros, but she did not wish to see him ganged up on by her family, or see them throw themselves into a fight on her behalf. Her mother came up beside her then and with a whimper she tucked her face into her mother's neck, pinning her ears against her head and closing her eyes tightly as if to keep everything out, to turn herself blind and deaf to the horrible confrontation that was taking place. She had only wanted to make a friend...

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.