
New Insights


10-14-2014, 03:00 PM

Her heated response told Kau he didn't deliver his opinion quite the way he meant for it to be taken. Yet her response was one that made him feel... something spark within. Kau's gaze would soften, and he would give a small nod. "I am afraid that you misunderstand me, my dear. I do not mean to imply that female wolves can not fight... merely that where I was raised it was more uncommon. It was not frowned upon, however. You are of the build a female would asked to join the ranks of warriors. You have promise, little one, to prove your old pack long. Don't lose that fire."

What was this... that made him favor her? That boldness... that will to try and overcome. Did she... remind him of someone? Kau would close his eyes. "Don't give up." It was then that he remembered. An old face... one that he lost. The night he truly broke. He would open his eyes again, flashing a small smile. "What is your name?" He assumed Bear-Cub, what Thor had called her, was more of a nickname. No... Kau wanted to know this young femme for who she was... and perhaps... help her achieve her goals.