
Shadows of Melancholy


10-02-2014, 09:18 PM
Misery loved company, did it not? The child was wandering away from the den, aware that something seemed to be amiss. Something foreboding seemed to hang in the air, something he could not put his paw on but it was there. Maybe it was because he felt ignored by his father, especially with his sisters wanting to spend so much time with him. He enjoyed time with his mother, however. She was beautiful, and kind. The only female in his family he liked. He was a bitter boy, though truly more lonely than anything. He wanted to have attention, to be babied a little, but his jealousy lead to distance.

He would wander off, and not too far beyond where his parents designated him to be able to play he would see the most bizarre of creatures. His father had told him of Zanire, of the bear he had been a companion with. But he said she had left... but this lady was big. Was this Zanire? Maybe she was waiting for his dad so they could make amends?

The boy would pad up to her, speaking in a quiet tone. "'scuse me. Are you a bear?"