
It's All Fun and Gumballs


05-17-2013, 01:47 PM

I had managed to weasel my way from the confinements of the lovely swamps. Such a miraculous place it was. Carnivores that even I was no match for lurked in the murky waters, waiting for its next unsuspecting victim.. Such odd creatures those huge scaly things were. Hell you'd never even know they were there half the time. They blended in with their surroundings to perfection. And when in the brown thick water they could pass for a floating stick or log, unless one was searching for those dark beaty eyes. I even had the honor once of watching how they worked. That poor scrawny doe hadn't a snow balls chance in hell of escaping the massive jaws of that beast, and underneath the waters it drug her, leaving behind only ripples upon the surface.

And now, now I was in an entirely new surrounding one I had not yet seen. This one was basically the complete opposite of the one in which I resided in.. The air didn't have that eerie feel to it, shivers didn't cascade down your spine when entering this lush green terrain. In fact, this place held a all to peaceful, serene like feel to it. The only thing off about it was that it was Autumn and this place remained vibrant, then again it was aligned with pine tree's. If I recall correctly their needles do not turn brown unless the tree itself had died... Well, no point in turning back now. Besides, who knows.. Maybe there is something else out here worth my time.
Every now and then the chilled Autumn breeze found itself cascading through the branches that hung above, only to run its bitter fingers through my own thick multicolored pelt that stretched over that masculine frame. Now, upon that breeze also came an array of scents, some old and some new... Some stronger then others... However there was one sweet perfume that demanded my attention. This one was not far off. In fact the owner of this arousing fragrance was a lot more closer then even I knew about. Spinning upon the pads of my feet I turned to face the other direction. Now facing where I was assuming the smell was originated from. Her sweet aroma filling my nostrils. Jaws watering only to allow saliva to drip down my furry chin. Yes I had become a pro picking out what scents belonged to what sex, after all over the years of having a hobby such as my own you perfect such a skill.

As I began to move, in a more stalking manner now. Cranium lowered to even out with my shoulder blades, I searched for shadows. Something dark enough to engulf me. To make it harder to spot my frame.. Yet I found nothing suitable and a huff in pure disgust was emitted. Emerald green eyes now focused straight ahead... She was getting closer, I could smell it, I could feel it. A rush swept over me, my body growing numb and then I came to once more. A sneer focused upon my lips before it faded away.

And that was when her delicate white form became visible. Her fragile canvas prancing here and there, she was smaller then I had expected. Her body lean, and sculpted to perfection. Her feminine curves almost visible through that soft plush that covered her entire body. Of course I remained between two thick tree trucks, just admiring her from a distance at this point. Watching her body move this way and that way. Twin towers shifted a bit upon my dial before I stepped free of the only coverage I could find. That grin resting upon my facade as I made my way closer. Cranium held high, filled with a sense of pride that was unimaginable. Masculine chest puffed out slightly, thick gray tail hanging between well toned hindquarters. As I made my way closer, with the typical conceided male strut I cleared my throat to speak. Thick russian accent tainted each word. Each r accented with a roll.

Well hello there. What brings you all the way out here?"

Vibrant green orbs sent to scan the area looking to see if perhaps she was accompanied by anyone else. Although as of right now, I saw no one. My own gaze locking back upon her once more.