
Because I Love You



7 Years
10-03-2014, 01:03 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Tahlia should have known that finding the Range empty and free was too good to be true. It had felt that way from the start, but after scouring the place to find that the densite she had once shared with her husband and children was still standing she had been more than ready to make their return to the place permanent. And for a while they had been able to enjoy it. Only it was still a free territory and ready for the taking and someone had noticed. The male had been considerate enough to at least let them know of his intentions before they were made official, and though it meant uprooting her family one more time the russet and black woman was still grateful not to be caught unawares as they had been once before.

The journey from the Range and beyond had been haphazard and dangerous, the fact they were still searching for a destination only complicating matters with the terrible weather that had already been raging across the eastern region. Likely it was a miracle the entire family had survived the journey on top of the horrid conditions, but eventually their travels had deposited them in a safe shelter of the Fjord where they waited out the rest of the storm. It took some time, but eventually the wind and rain started to retreat, and venturing out of their shelter became less dangerous. Which Tahlia was grateful for. She had known the end of summer was creeping in close all throughout their journey, and now that they had arrived, she had practically been counting down the days. Autumn not only brought with it a change in the weather - which seemed to mean a lessening of the storms along the coast - but also brought with it her own season.

Restless paws carried her out through the forest, determinedly trotting along a path that had since grown familiar to her as she adjusted to their new home. She had always been one to enjoy water, be it rivers or lakes or oceans, and gratefully the fjord on which their new home sat provided easy access to a small beach that was only a short trek away from the den. She was headed there now, the soft light of the moon illuminating her path and providing her with just enough light to see by within the trees. It might have been minimal here, but as she reached the small stretch of shoreline there was nothing to inhibit its pale glow which turned the sands almost silvery under its shine and cast rippling lines out across the waters. All in all it was a lovely sight.

But the serene atmosphere did not seem enough to ease what she was feeling, and it only made her uncertain. Would he even entertain her wish for another litter of pup? Or would Kailos and Lior be their last? The partially blind woman shook her head, trying again to drive her unhelpful, conflicting thoughts away. They were getting her nowhere, only confusing her even more than she had been from the start. And, really, there was no other way of knowing than to ask. Making herself sit there upon the shoreline, with her back to the water and her gaze upon the forest, she parted her jaws and beckoned her mate, her tail twitching uncertainly at her side while she worked on remaining patient and positive.