
'Cause I Want MORE



2 Years
10-03-2014, 03:54 PM

What had drawn him back to this place? Drashiel paused in his exploration of the canyon to muse over the events that had led him not only back to Alacritis but down into the fresh new terras that had sprung from the womb of the land. He was officially, finally, an adult. A young male of two years. He'd travelled with Isardis and Argent, learning what he could from them but now it was time for him to sever that tether and find his way in the world. And perhaps? start his own pack. Peridot eyes glanced over the many openings carved into the canyon wall as he slipped softly in and out of them.

Drashiel's mind was alight with possibility. Should he try and gather members and start his own from scratch or take one from a less worthy ruler? On one paw if he started from scratch he would have something truly his own, something that would not require him to deal with any vengeful discontented souls. But that would take time? so much precious time. If he challenged and won he could start a pack of his own this instant?. but make himself a target in the process. But wasn't something so much sweeter when it was fought for? When it was bled for?

Drashiel paused in his climb up the canyon wall, gazing out and the undulating strata that shown all the more vibrant in the light of the setting sun. The greatest question was perhaps, if he did choose to challenge, who would be his target? Upon which foe would he dig his ivory fangs into? Perhaps only time would tell. The youth continued on his way allowing fate to guide him where it would all the while certain it would lead him to greatness.
