
Dodge, Dive, Dip, Duck And... Dodge!



3 Years
10-03-2014, 04:09 PM

Her first moves happened quickly and by the time she had settled, jaws finding their place at his scruff it seemed that she had been rather successful in her ambitions. A little off the previous mark, hitting the thicker skin lower down the scruff than the delicate layers closer to the head though with his own movements as well teeth would lightly puncture, proof that she had gotten in her first attack without complete failure.

Of course Allen would react swiftly however, whilst she had not sought a deadly target point, Talvi had still found herself in a somewhat stronger position at that moment, her balance of course relied upon his own and as his weight dropped it would startle her a little, bite would accidentally tighten more than she had intended, tearing the skin further. Allen however would show no weakness at the wounds and the fight of course would continue.

Her balance now regained once more, steady in her position and widened back paws and stretched toes kept their grip upon the floor. Her grip had released slightly so not to cause the man too much damage still remained in place as each plotted the next moves to make. Whilst many of her previous defences remained in place out of habit, her ears still firmly against her skull, eyes narrowed, hackles raised and throat of course now protected by Allen himself, a spot he would not be able to reach without first ridding her from his shoulders. Her tail remained out straight, keeping her spine in line though there was little that could be done for her side now, stretched across him as she was and Allen would take his chance there now.

Her front left paw would slide as he twisted, unable to keep the grasp across his chest any longer. Though of course his jaws had sought their place before she could fully release the grip of her own and place her front right paw upon the ground once more as well. Balance would of course be knocked further as he made an attempt for her hind leg, though the front left now resting lightly upon the ground would block the attempt from completely sweeping her and instead unsettle her further, her right leg would for now still remain upon his back, though doing little to aid her as she toppled slightly down to her left, hind legs fortunately preventing her from completely rolling. This change of position would mean that likewise Allen's attack wouldn't land completely as planned and instead would seek contact at the lower ribs, fortunately the blow hadn't been delivered with force behind it, the ribs remaining intact though teeth still pierced the skin covering them.

Such an area was not one easy to hold onto and whilst she ran the risk of a further scrape if he attempted to grip, she would retrieve her paw now and fully stabilise her balance across her paws. Her head would once more be tucked into place, keeping her neck and tail straight to align her spine once more. Knees would bend till she was lower to the ground than the man before her and then she would spring once more, aiming once more for his left but for the throat this time rather than the scruff. Here she was careful to exercise control however, a light contact, one that might lightly pierce the skin but would definitely allow the man to escape and retreat. In a real fight perhaps she wouldn't be so kind though she certainly did not wish Allen dead.

Allen vs Talvi - Spar

Round 2 of 2

Defences Back legs wide and toes splayed to keep them rooted whilst upper body relied more upon Allen for balance, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, hackles raised, spine aligned. Stabilise balance across all four paws, knees bent, head lowered

Attacks Sink underneath Allen before aiming to 'bite' the left side of his throat

Injuries Puncture to skin around lower ribs, possible scrape as retreat (depending on Allen's actions)

Notes Sorry for the delay Keno. Days ran away from me and ended up getting some work at the last minute.