
Joining of two souls; Marriage



2 Years
10-03-2014, 05:27 PM

His Twig would be the first to arrive and he would smile lovingly at his sister. The two of them had been through a lot and well he hadn't always managed to be by her side when trouble struck her, he could at least be here for this. With Twig came Faun and he smiled at the girl as she leaped forward and showered him with affection. His little niece was growing fast, he remembered the day he had seen her with Twig, curled against her side so tiny, and new to the world. Next would come Sibelle and the boy would watch as she welcomed Twig also, thinking what a perfect Alpha partner she was. When she came beside him and the two sat regally, looking upon the pack and waiting for more members to dwindle in he would catch her sneaking glances his way. He couldn't help but grin, a slow seductive smile sneaking across his lips, promising her that perhaps Twig and Alpine wont be the only ones enjoying themselves tonight.

He would return his features to normal as Odette walked into the group, he nodded his head at her, considering her a friend as well as a loyal member. Everyone had warm greetings for Twig and the sight of it filled him. Next would come his mate, and well he would wait a little while longer it seemed the rest where lagging behind. He let loose another call, in case they had not heard the first, summoning them here. But no matter, there was at least a small gathering of loving members here to look upon Twig and Alpine and he would call them both up to him, to stand before him and side by side.
