
what will the world offer us? [PUPPY THREAD!]


05-17-2013, 02:27 PM

Violet eyes watched the trio enjoy a little playtime. It seemed her daughter was the watchful type. Always studding things and she was so curious. Yet she seemed to start shunning her brother Salamander since the day she began feeding him the herbs. Part of her felt guilty for ostracizing her child from his siblings but the taske needed to be done and she was curious what the affects of the herbs she was giving him would bring. She didn?t want all of her children affected and so she had reprimanded them firmly but gently not to touch his herbs. Her tail flicked behind her as she watched the rain dance around outside. It was gentle enough and warm enough that they could play in it just as Bas had requested.

?Maybe if you show a little assertiveness then they will play with you.? She suggested and began to move towards the mouth of the cavern. Soon enough they would be taking trips to other packs together and she wanted the pups to flourish with their own identities not be contained in the den like prisoners. ?If you play outside it can only be for a while. Though its not raining much if it soaks your coats threw you may catch colds. So the moment you feel yourselves shivering its back in the den to warm up and eat.? She said, her gaze shifting at the excited glance Syn had given her. It was as if she had offered the child the world. Her mind was settled for now but the demons haunted the back of her mind. The puppet master was dormant for now but she could feel it stretching out in her limbs and keeping a close eye on her moods.
