
Because I Love You



11 Years
10-04-2014, 02:43 AM (This post was last modified: 11-16-2014, 02:30 AM by Bane.)
The earth was cool to the touch, Bane's nose withdrawing from the floor of the den with a snort. ?It would now be the scent of home.?He could still smell where Tahlia had lain. Feel the receding warmth from her touch. Such a shame they had to give up his and Tahlia's old den to a pack moving in to the old Seracia lands. A rather cordile and curtious individual Scorpion had been to notify them about taking over the territory. But these three new dens would suffice as a new place to live. The fjord's steeply forested hillside punctuated by fields of rock eroded from the cliffs farther up the slopes were a culmination of everywhere his family had lived it seemed. Seracia's forests. The mountains from the territory of Ebony. The riverside shore where he remained exiled. He was glad the river at the brought some familiarity to the displaced family's fishers. His first daughter Anais and his mate Tahlia. Anais was being kept a very close eye on after her brush with a less than savory male.

Not by him though. Bane was now blind. His sons being told to keep a very close eye on Anais and if necessary retrieve her should she wander away again. Bane still had to give a talk to his daughters about being lone females. And if necessary he would ask Destruction to relay her personal experience with him should the point need to be rammed home.?The godmother to his young and one-time partner had taken a den to herself, the old male having no doubt Anais and Lior pestering to sleep with her and not with their brothers.

Ginglery Bane stepped out of the rocky entrance and deeply inhaled the night air. The world was then painted for him, paws scrapping low across the ground as he tried to visualize how best to reach Tahlia. If it hadn't been for the storm and the fact that they had all been just trying to survive the late summer gale that had ripped up the land Bane would've stolen away his mate for some time to see to her urges. Anais was going through her first season to. But now Tahlia was the one to call for him, the elder uneasy as he wandered through the forest at an cautious pace. Ears and nose guiding him.

And how Bane wished he could see Tahlia standing there along the shore. Just knowing that his mate was by the shore awaiting him at this hour prompted his imagination. The moons glow highlighting her pelt, the gleam in both of her eyes. How he wished he could still see her sitting on the shore through the pines. The old wolf prowled up to Tahlia, nose brushing against his mates cheek as he planted a quick kiss on the corner of her maw. "Hey you." Bane could assume her request just from the scent. A sense of uncertainty plagued his mind of what she would ask him and he didn't know if he could satisfy the itch anymore.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•