
I Would Walk 500 Miles



10 Years
10-05-2014, 09:03 PM (This post was last modified: 10-05-2014, 09:04 PM by Ara.)

Ara didn't even know that this was something that would even be possible -- Novel loving her back. Even without the feelings being reconciled, she was content with her life and the individuals she was surrounded with. She would've loved Hymn and Psalm just as deeply regardless of whether she was known as a guardian or not. Suddenly though, it felt like life wouldn't be complete without knowing Novel loved her and -- hopefully -- wanted to spend the rest of her life at her side. A sigh slipped from her lips, ecstasy ebbing through her veins as she felt Novel lean into the embrace. She felt like she was at home here, despite all they had gone through, and she let her eyes close for a moment.

What this meant for them, she had no idea; but it felt more right than anything she had ever known. A whimper left her throat, needy and loving as she clung close to her. 'Don't ever leave me,' Novel said gently, more a plea than a command, but it could've been one for all she cared. She had no interest in sharing her life with anyone other than Novel. A smile painted her features as she leaned into her more deeply, feeling sleep take hold as she inhaled her sweet scent and felt the gentle thrumming of her heart in her chest as she lay at her side. "Never," she would promise her sleepily, burrowing her nose into Novel's fur as the smile on her face widened.

- exit via sleep? -