
Following the Stream up North [PACK HUNT]



5 Years
10-04-2014, 03:16 PM (This post was last modified: 10-04-2014, 03:18 PM by Dægmar.)
Next deadline is Oct. 10 at noon ala time. If y'all want this to go faster let me know. I'm not sure what a good length of time is for posting.

They trickled in silent as the grave. Gloom hung on their faces but this was to be expected and soon their minds would have to turn elsewhere for D?gmar was not the kind of wolf to coddle. They would be hunting a particularly dangerous quarry. One that could easily prove fatal. While the Olympians were less than excited to be called from their greiving by the mottled wraith Laufey, her charge, was excited. D?gmar grinned and offered him a nod. That was a good boy. Ready for action at a moments call, ready for violence and blood. She made mental note to continue battle training as soon as they were all well fed. She marked the red boy as well. While his color unnerved her D?gmar saw the potential within him to be skilled warrior as well. Perhaps she should but he and Laufey to the test later? Her mind mused at the thoughts. Though it did occur to her she'd need to procure a healer at some point. So much to do so little time.

D?gmar's ears flicked as she turned to one of the youngest pups. She grinned. "At last some initiative. Aye, little one you are to young to participate but you are definitely old enough to observe. You may follow, but keep well out of the way and hidden."

D?gmar's attention turned to Freyja, one of the few full grown adults in the pack. She knew little of the other woman but was grateful for another experience presence. They'd need it for this hunt to be successful. D?gmar's eyes glinted micheviously as she watched the other woman interact with her apprentice. Well, well, well? "Yes, I'll be directing this hunt. I don't know about the lot of you but I'm famished and I don't care to wait til we've an official lead hunter." The femme fatale waited a few moments more until it seemed no one else would be coming.

"Glad you all made it. Everyone needs to eat to survive so we can put aside our differences til our basic needs are met. Hate me if you need to but I urge each and every one of you to put your grief and anger behind you for the initial stage of this little endeavor. You'll need all your focus for this hunt? our quarry? are bison. There's a herd that's been moving through this terra, they graze mostly along the rivers edge but there are dozens if not more of square miles where they may be." Gleaming emerald eyes turned to Gaia. "Gaia. You will lead us to the bison. By virtue of your disability your sense of smell should be that much more refined." Hopefully, the old black bat hadn't neglected to train the grey yearling in her sense of smell in favor of only her hearing. A wolf's nose was a keen tool and would be the key to finding a suitable role for the blind femme within the pack. At least according to the wraith.

"I want everyone to search for the scent trail but if you find it stay silent. This is Gaia's task. Gaia once you pick up the trail howl for your peers and then we will follow your lead to the bison." D?gmar wanted to test this whelp. See how she held up when the pressure of the pack's needs were on her shoulders. "Once we see the buffalo I'll select a target and we'll go from there. Gaia your role is that of tracker, you will sit out in the actual hunting portion and look out for Hypnos. Now everyone pay attention I'm only going to say this once."

Emerald eyes gazed at each one of them in turn, her intent serious and deathly cold. "NEVER approach a bison from the front. I've seen many a yearling gored or trampled to death. If we are to succeed we must make them run. Our fangs can't pierce the hide to the jugular, their strong necks make a hold on the muzzle nearly impossible to keep. Go for the veins in the back legs, rip tear, and run the target down. Bleed them to exhaustion then rip them apart. There should be some six month old calves that will make decent targets. There is no kill shot. We all work together as equals or fail. Killing a bison is messy, imprecise and dangerous. So whatever you're feeling? whatever is eating you up in the inside? I encourage you to let it loose on that bison when the time comes. It will be fighting for it's life and any hesitation could cause you to end up dead. Clear? Then let's begin? start tracking. Gaia?. the floor is yours."