
Warning- High Toxic Waste Levels


05-17-2013, 02:35 PM
Chaos, how appropriate that he would have such a similar name? To think his mother had known the product that her child would become was almost amusing. Did she know what he would become? This monster he thought of himself? How many dark souls turned gray when love touched them, truly touched them? She listened with and open heart and open mind to his confession, to his slew of insults at his characteristics. How many males raped when the season took hold of them? Too many to count and how many times had she allowed herself to be taken with the idea of violence and demand? He was a child of Cerberus, as was she, only in a different manner. She was insane and lost to the touch of trauma. Though her mind had been balanced out threw her pack and her pups she still was always on the edge of falling back into her pit of despair and unknown. She was always lost in the in-betweens of yesterdays and tomorrows and forever and never. It was always a battle she fought and some days she lost.

?Why is it that when the worst of us is set free we feel as if we have no hold on our hearts? That someone has dug a hole so deep into her chests that we bleed ashes instead of blood.? She said, the oddity of her speaking habits seemed to resurfaces as her poetic nature took hold. ?yet if I cut you, I see red, not gray or white, just red.? She said with a smile. Her tail flicked behind her as she heard him speak of her changing him. Fixing the darkness, at least a little bit, but he was who he was and she would never change his core. ?What ever your sins may be before you chose to claim your life into this pack, into my heart, and into our family, means nothing to me. Whatever repercussions we may face I will burn them all to the ground before they could hurt you. I am aware you have done some things. Tortuga is unsatisfied with your ruling beside me but they will not break our alliance. Syn is to go to them when she is 8 weeks of age. So that she may watch them and ensure that they are staying faithful to my demands.? She said simply, that had been a choice she had made without him. She was hopeful he would understand. They needed eyes in Tortuga and what better eyes then their daughters?

?I am sure we will face more skeletons from your pits and I will face them with fangs and death if I must. You are mind and I am yours. No one will take that from us.? She said simply, she would protect him as he wished to protect her. She was his mate and she cared for him more then she was ever aware of. ?You are the first to show me, that I can indeed know love, know it and feel it, and I know it is true. I know that I love you kaios and I will destroy everything to keep that love.? Her voice was husky with hunger as she spoke the words. She was free of the pups inside her. They were growing quickly and she wanted her mate. She wanted to be loved the only way they knew how and to show his scars for the world to see. ?Now come fuck Me.? she said with a growl. Her tail pulled to the side and smacked him in the nose. ?I want no mercy.? She teased, as she allowed her fangs to nip at his neck. Just enough to send him into a black lash, she loved it when he bit back harder.