
What Is Merely A Test

Skælingr I


7 Years
Extra large
10-04-2014, 03:42 PM

Paw's strreeetched forward and dipped deliciously into the lake. Sk?lingr practically purred. Perhaps after a nice name he'd go for a swim, there were few things he liked more and soon the air would grow colder and make the dip a bit less pleasant, even for a Siberian beast such as himself. Dotted ears flicked at the voice that spoke to him. My, my? such a quick response? Perhaps this pack wasn't as lazy as he'd imagined. Jade green eyes turned to gaze at a young female wolf whose coat was a similar color to his own. Was such a young thing the leader now? The tiger smirked. "I could say the same to you." She was either brave or stupid for approaching him alone.

Sk?lingr's eyes closed in a slow blink as he let loose a yawn, is massive fangs glinting in the dappled sunlight. Tail flicked as his gaze turned from the wolf out across the lake. The traditional feline practice of ignoring those around him. Had it been just the ruddy wolf it might've worked but there were some pests that could not so easily be dissuaded.


Sk?'s ears flattened down on his head. The voice was deeper, older but there was no mistaking the little black shape bounding toward him with a?.. rat or something on her head. He sighed but all the same there was a little tug at the corner of his muzzle. He resisted the urge to smile but it was hard not to. "I miss my peace and quiet little thing? that is not so little any more. You've grown well. What on earth are you wearing on your head?"