
Tapping the Barrel of a Steel Blue .38

Rune I


5 Years
10-04-2014, 09:15 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

(( I'd prefer one claim fight for both of them, that way there's no chance of the boys being split up on the off chance I win once 'cause that would likely make things worse. As for rounds, the minimum three should be good. Also sorry, Rune's done playing nice. x: ))

He had hoped beyond hope the male would take his cue from the order given and simply leave, to distance himself once again from the family he had long ago deserted - after all, it was what he was good at. But there was no complacency within his stare as his green eyes finally swept back around to regard him, no understanding that his time here within his son's pack was up. Instead there was stubbornness, a mistaken authority that was unwarranted, and a claim that Rune could not at all believe.

"Bullshit!" he shot back, the anger that had only been coursing below the surface now beginning to writhe and come through. He had tried to be civil, to set aside his own regards about the man so that his sister could leave this world in peace, so that her sons could grieve in their own time, but now that they were being threatened, now that it was no longer their comfort but their safety on the line, he found himself unable to keep his temper in check any longer. "She was a part of this pack, she joined because she trusted me," Rune countered angrily, his voice rising with his fury. "Why the hell would she give them to you?"

It was absolutely ridiculous! He could not, under any circumstances, believe the claim that Kylar was making, could not fathom what suddenly made this derelict, flighty male more fitting of a guardian than himself. He who had followed his sister and joined her pack to be near her, he who had been there at the birth of her children, he who had sheltered her and provided for her family as her brother, their uncle, and their pack leader. Those boys by rights were his charges, his pack members, and he had no intentions of handing them over to this man whom they had never met, who had failed in every sense to be a father to his own children, just so he could try again with his daughter's.

With a glance at the den and a couple retreating steps toward it, Kylar once again iterated his claim, all the while falling into a stance that was all at once defensive and threatening to Rune. Preparing for a fight already? He was probably smart to. Rune's own lips had curled back, his eyes narrowed both threateningly and protectively, as he growled in response to his father's words. How was it not personal already when the bastard was threatening his family? The fact Kylar wished to still bury his daughter before he left was of little consequence, though Rune would have argued that too. The boys were grieving; to tear them away too soon would only make them hate those watching over them more, would give them someone to place the blame of their pain on. But he was still hung up on the kids being forced away from their home, and he did not want them falling victim to the same fate he and his siblings had.

Already he was in his own fighter's stance, settling into it after a step taken forward to follow at least one that his father took back. His own head was low, though not quite as much as Kylar's considering their height difference, and his chin tucked slightly inward toward his chest to minimize the exposure of his throat. His hackles were raised, lifting the dark line of fur that covered his neck and spine, and his shoulders remained forward to gather the fur there at the base of his neck. His stance had squared with his weight shifted slightly back, black paws seeking purchase in the wet earth, and his hind legs tensed in preparation of that first move.

"Like hell you will," he growled, leaping forward to get close to his opponent as he reached his parting jaws at Kylar. He braced his paws to catch his weight within the slick earth upon landing, aiming to land close before the would-be kidnapper though slightly off center and more aligned to Kylar's left shoulder, and turned his head to attack the left side of his father's face. His shoulders remained tensed, slightly hunched, and his narrowed blue eyes stared through a snarling face as he attempted to snap up and across his father's muzzle and close to his left eye, intending to tear skin and flesh there with his top fangs and across his chin and jaw with his bottom ones.


For Possession of Amarant and Colten of Secretua