
Tapping the Barrel of a Steel Blue .38


10-05-2014, 12:23 AM

He was hardened, ready. Rune did not take his reaction well, did not take his blanket statement well and Kylar was ready. Muscles flexed and tensed beneath his blackened pelt, silvery markings rippling like water as acidic gaze burned into his last remaining child from Secret. But he was his mother?s son, he was so much like her just like Maia. He wished to say the same of Vixe but he didn?t know, had been absent from their lives far too long and Vixe had been murdered far too young in a war he should not have been a part of. He did not wish to speak ill of the dead. But at the same time? He had lost. He was dead because he had lost. Weak blood had tainted his own blood. The blood of a monster birthed by a goddess, trained and groomed by one as well. Secret?s blood had not been a worthy mix and so the goddess had cursed their spawn.
It hit him like a blow to the head, the realization dawning on him all at once. He had strayed from her chosen path, had been deterred by family life and she was angry. Rune?s words fell on deaf ears as, for a moment, Kylar would stand stone faced and churn these thoughts through his mind. It all made so much sense? Why had he not seen it before? Muscles would slacken, and for a moment his defenses would fall away. In all honesty all of Rune?s words would fall on deaf ears, sliding off his back like water through a creek bed. But he was not completely disconnected from the here and now, not completely oblivious to his son?s rage. No. Not his son. If Kylar wanted to gain the goddess?s approval, if he wanted to be within her favor so she would not curse his wife and daughter Rune could not be his son. Rune had to die.
?Like hell you will.?
The words brought Kylar back to the present, just in time to settled back into his defenses and to lean back slightly. But he would not remain there, no, already his mind was working even as Rune attempted to close the distance. Haunches would uncoil, launching him forward in an attempt to close the distance even quicker and throw off Rune?s intended strike. His head was lowered, pulled to the right so broad chest was exposed. He hoped to slam himself into Rune, looking to land his left shoulder into the dead center of Rune?s chest. His attempted forward momentum would throw Rune?s initial attack off, instead exposing his left shoulder completely to Rune. Fangs would sink in, blood seeping up from mild puncture wounds but he didn?t seem phased by it. Adrenaline pumped heavily through his veins, carrying the mind blowing, pain numbing toxin all through his body. Neck would arch to his left, jaws gaping as he attempted to grab the left side of Rune?s neck in the center between his shoulder and skull.
A massive paw would snake forward, left forelimb moving without leaving the ground, attempting to slid behind Rune?s left front leg before pulling his own leg backwards in an attempt to pull Rune?s leg out from under him. He would try and hit the boy at the ankle and yank his paw away. He wanted this boy close, he wanted him to bleed. The goddess wanted his blood. All the while defenses would remain immaculately in place. His stance was widened, weight shifted slightly to his right as joints loosened to lower his center of gravity and accommodate his tripod stance. Toes would splay and nails clenched heavily into the ground to try and stop any backwards pressure from forcing him off balance. Neck was arched and chin was tipped down, protecting his throat, shoulders rolled forward to gather as much loose skin and fat as possible around his ruff. Hackles would remain raised, lifted to add any extra height and cushioning he could gather from them. Abdomen was tucked, spine arched to gather all his core strength to aid him. Tail was straightened, aligned with his spin to act as a rudder and help manage his balance to the best of his abilities. Ears were pinned to his skull, flattened against his thick scruff. Lips pulled back in a snarl to gather excess flesh around already narrowed eyes.


For Amarant and Colten of Secretua