
I come right back to you


10-05-2014, 12:38 AM

He felt? Relaxed. Like he was floating. He walked with only a slight limp. Blood would trickle freely from multiple wounds and maybe it was the bloodless that was hitting him so heavily but he felt, it was hard to explain. He moved almost mechanically back towards home, moved back towards her. His one constant, his one love. He barely even noticed her patrolling the boarder, sense of scent clogged by the sickeningly sweet scent of fresh blood that trailed along with him. His step seemed exaggerated, leaning forward like he was going to face plant before finally a paw would slip forward and catch him from falling. He didn't even know what was happening until she arrived, sweeping in like a vision and halting him with her worry. In her eyes he saw honest concern but he couldn't bring himself to comfort her, could bring himself to feel anything. He felt numb, cold, detached. It was almost as though a different feeling part of him had slipped from the shell that was walking around now and was simply watching it all from a safe spot. The goddess would be so proud.

He wouldn't, couldn't even focus in on her until she spoke. Her voice reached towards him like a thread and he would latch onto it and pull himself back down to earth, back into himself. All at once he would drop. Knees would falter, heavy mass hitting the ground like a sack of potatoes. The ground tilted and tottered around him as he forced his mass to his right. It was less damaged. Acidic gaze would close as a sigh slipped from his lips. "Lay with me?" His words were a soft rumble, barely a sigh as he every so delicately attempted to prop himself up on his elbows she she could lay into is side as they normally slept. Pack territory was so close but? He wasn't ready. He didn't want to risk seeing Basanti yet, didn't want her to see her father like this. Weak.