
It's All Fun and Gumballs


05-17-2013, 02:52 PM
It's all fun and gumballs until sombody gets chewed.

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She knew. Oh, she knew all too well. Meravue may not of had the intelligence of some other wolves, but she did have some wisedom. She was also rather witty and her impulstivity made her quick at thinking and quick to pick up on things. Maybe it was the way he carried himself, or the tone in his voice, or even nothing more than his dark aura. He wanted nothing good to do with her, but instead of trying to attack, lash out, run away or any of the sort, she started to think that maybe she could have fun with this. The temptation of playing mind games with him was all too tempting for her to resist in the least! Maybe she could go along with his games. Or perhaps she should simply start mocking him and make his real, dark side emerge from beneath this fake front he put up for her. It was not even that crafty either. Especially that fake chuckle and the devious look in his eyes. Oh, she knew that all too well. She, herself was got that same look. However, she really had no intentions of harming others as this brute seemed to. On the other side of it, she really had to intentions of helping others either. Playing games could be very fun, until things go too far.

Her eyes narrowed slightly as she gawked at him, at first not sure how she wanted to respond to him. Then, her small smile widened again, this time, into a toothy, sheepish grin. The tiny female took a few steps closer to him, stretching out her well proportioned frame and swaying her tail. Her ears still pressed forward and her eyes now reflecting the pale golden color as the light shone across her face. After a moment, once the male asked for her name and silence surrounded them once more, she lowered her body slightly, almost submissively, but her ears never flattened, a clear give-a-way she was anything but serious. She was such a daring and playful female, and so impulsive to. She wanted to see how this male would react to her. Would he continue his own little game? Would he go along with hers? Or would he drop the act and reveal what she already suspected was true about him. If he wanted to be more decieving it seemed he needed more practice about it, although his initial approach was not bad, his tone and the way he looked at her gave it all away.

"Oh, you mean you would company me along my travels? Maybe you would not let the big bad wolf get me," she whimpered mockingly with the same sheepish grin still smacked upon her jaws. She then stood up straight and turned around, flicking her tail at him playfully. The only big bad wolf I see out here is the one talking to me. Be careful who you pick to play with," she warned him, licking her lips as if to mock him all the more. She took two steps away from him before pausing and starting to turn back around to face him once again, her ears swiveling now, but still perked up and alert which showed that she had her guard up. Of course a wolf who pushed her odds so much was obviously not afraid, but inquisitive if anything. If you really want to know my name, big bad wolf, then tell me what is yours?