And there a girl would appear, never had Aslan seen her before though there was a certain familiarity about her that he simply couldn't quite place. Indeed as the black toned girl had noticed there was certainly a family resemblance, Novel's facial marks had continued on quite strongly through the generations, even though they had been skipped from Song's own appearance. The relation of course wasn't apparent to the chocolate boy just yet and he would study her appearance as if perhaps the answer lay within her looks.
She looked perhaps more like him than even his own siblings. His brother may have inherited the chocolate colouring of their father as well, though neither Herne or Varda had obtained those marks beneath or above their eyes that had become sort of tell-tale traits of Destruction heritage amongst others in the land. "I don't know." He would respond to her second question first, that one certainly the more puzzling, he would however quickly realise his failure to introduce himself and would quickly correct that. "I'm Aslan, who are you?" He was aware of his full name, not that it was often used. His mother, not that he realised it yet was certainly trying to establish how important being a part of the Destruction family was. He would learn in time to develop the habit to introduce himself with his full name, but for now simply Aslan would have to do.