
Let Me Be Your Dark Angel


10-05-2014, 11:13 AM

ooc;; set before his daughter's death so he's not a douche <3

The storm didn't bother him, he was honestly enjoying the solitude it brought. It gave him a reason to curl up with his wife and avoid the rest of the world. But today Cat was off doing whatever it was Cat did and Kylar had no desire to lay in their den alone and let boredom rot his mind. Massive beat would pull himself from his den just as a fork of lightening arched through the sky and softly a small smile would play on his lips as he began counting. Ears were pricked, trying to catch the sound of thunder booming in the distance. After 15 seconds it clapped and he would sigh. 15 miles away, better then being in the eye of the storm as they had been for some time now. The best would set off then, long legs and massive paws pulling him forward at a steady lope that he know would take him around pack boarders in a few hours. Might as well do patrolling, what else was there to do anyways?

It would seem he was not the only one to think this, a brown femme would appear before him as he loped along the edge of the moor. This was his least favourite place next to Veronica Plains. Honestly he hated living here but until he could figure out some other way to make sure the Adarvendi's never got their filthy paws on it again he would make sure that he kept it for himself. "Streatching your legs while the rain calms?" He didn't know this girl but she smelt of the pack, fuck Cat was right he had been absent for far too long. Though he would never openly admit that to her.
