
Where do we stand


10-05-2014, 04:42 PM

His nips at her neck nearly pulled a moan from her lips. Leaning into his touch, his whispers sent her heart into a frenzy. He didn't want to be let go, and she would happily oblige. A smile curled her lips as she returned his kiss at his throat. "I would never." Breathy words were a whisper, spoken only for his ears. "I love you." Her breath was as heavy as his, lust clouding her mind, her body screaming at her. Nostrils quivered as his scent suffocated her, she would bury her own scent within his fur, stating to the world had he belonged to her and no one else.

He studied her as he spoke, his words choked as she struggled to find the right thing to say. She would close the small distance he had created so he could speak. Jaws tipped upward so she spoke directly into his ear. "I always want you near me, I wouldn't have it any other way." Concluding her words, her tongue would snake out between her jaws to caress the shell of his ear. Even the seriousness of their discussion was not enough to squash the desire she felt for him. Her skin felt as though it was on fire, soothed only by his touch.
