
Together Forever



10-05-2014, 05:33 PM (This post was last modified: 10-05-2014, 05:33 PM by Haruka.)

The small girl was practically bounding in front of her brother as they drew closer to Bevroren lands, her heart beat quick as she picked up the smell of the border. She was excited to have her brother with her again, she felt so much more alive at this point. "Come on slow poke!" She called over her shoulder, easily making it across the snowy landscape. She had grown used to the cold in the few months that she had been here. Her fox coloured coat had grown thicker to battle the chill of the North, something that she was sure her larger brother would get used to. Dancing on fleet feet she paused at the border, something that felt foreign to her. She was so used to the shadows in these lands, it was truly a home to her now. Tipping back her head, she let out a call for Athena. While she was a high ranking wolf she would not be able to accept Ritsuka into the ranks. She had told the Queen about her having a sibling, so she wondered if her Lady thought that she was ever going to drag his butt here.

Flipping her body around to look at Legend she flashed him a huge grin, her whole body wiggling from the force of her tail wags. The girl was usually so calm, but this situation called for excitement! Finally the duo would be in the same ranks once more, an unstoppable force at Athena's command. She was as giddy as a child, prancing around in a circle as she waited for the leader to show up, eager to show her brother all the wonderful hiding places she had found. Hopefully that would cheer him up.
