
Aura Olympus


10-05-2014, 06:11 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Dusk
How did you get here?: spaceship
Age: 21

Character's Name: Aura Olympus
Age: Pup
Season of Birth: Autumn
Adult Height: 23 inches
Appearance Description:
Aura - Titaness of the breeze and the cool air of early morning.Her calico pelt is immediately stunning to all who set eyes upon her pelt. She sports a dominantly russet hue which pours down her face and melts across her spine as if paint had been poured over her from above. Freckles of the same russet color decorate her face, creating an eternal innocent child-like appearance. The russet hue tends to lean more toward orange than red and can sometimes be mistaken as orange, though, genetically it is not. Shades of onyx outline the russet color upon her scruff, spine, jugular, and tail. Though, upon her sides, the onyx seemingly takes over the russet hue. Left fore-paw is painted in the same dark shade of black whilst left hind-paw is painted the dominant russet. White outlines her underbelly and beneath her tail. The ivory shade embraces each limb, though, some more than others. The white is slightly visibly upon her neck where it meets her forelimbs and decorates her face softly enhancing her childlike appearance all the more. Eyes are each silver and seem to mock the stars in the midnight heavens. Altogether, the lady would appear to form from several wolves of many ranges of colors.

Calling: Dreamer
Proof of Purchases: n/a let me know if i need to purchase anything please