
I come right back to you


10-05-2014, 11:17 PM

He accepted each touch she directed at him. He would lean into her, a name slipping off his tongue like venom. Adravendi. It sounded familiar. It was a memory that was buried so deep that she nearly forgot. Meinx. Meinx Adravendi. Realization was dawn, it was clear in her expression. He continued, explaining his history with the family and what he hoped to gain. He would finally turn and look at her. His gaze was unlike anything she had ever seen. His eyes were wild, dark lips curled back as rage rolled off him in waves. All worry and concern had been tucked away. Instead something sinister brewed beneath the surface. Her eyes danced with wicked intent. She could already envision the bloodshed that the two of them could cause.

He would continue to speak. It was probably the most he had ever said. But this time he would discuss his past. He would tell her of the woman, and her weakness. A brow would lift as he mentioned that he kicked her in a hole after she died. A mental note was made that if he ever kicked her in a hole, she spend her after life making his life hell. But despite all the horrid details the one thing that stood out the most was that he believed that he was being punished. Punished for what? And by who?

His absence and injuries would be explained. His daughter had died earlier, she was part of Runes pack. But then she would still. Had he brought more than just emotions home. For a moment she would say nothing. Instead of explaining further, he would give another name. Erani Adravendi. She too played a role in his daughters death? Was she part of Runes pack? So many names and wolves, and she had no faces to match names to. Soon though. Soon she would meet them all and they would all crumble beneath her. She could already hear their cries and pleas for mercy.

"Kylar, no one is punishing you." She would pause, looking rather oddly at him. "But I promise, this family will pay. Meinx, she is Adravendi. Perhaps she knows something." Her promise was spoken with the upmost determination. "I am so sorry for your loss, but you will get your revenge." Leaning forward, she would plant a kiss on the edge of his jaw. Turning her gaze away, she would slowly begin to clean his wounds, her tongue rasping against his torn flesh with great care. "I love you." Three little words left her lips in a murmur, spoken only for his ears. It often that she said it, but she always had and always would.