
What Is Merely A Test



3 Years
10-06-2014, 07:18 AM

His retort was somehow not entirely unexpected, but that did not mean Valeriya wasn't miffed. It was conversational, but it answered none of her questions. Granted, she hadn't really gotten around to asking them yet, but curiosity gnawed at her all the same. The creature was languid, not easily moved to emotion, or at least not in this situation. He looked away from Valeriya to read the landscape surrounding them, for reasons the auburn queen did not quite understand. It was certainly rude but... She internally shrugged. What did she know of this creature's customs? She opened her mouth to draw his attention back in when a disturbance broke the calm of their meeting. Val flinched, ears flicking in surprise, as a dark youngling burst out from within her territory. What on earth was going on? I must be sleeping, she concluded with a wry smirk. That must be it. This is all just dream I'd really rather wake up from. She stood and took a few steps closer, taking the youngling's safety as a cue that she might expect similar treatment... maybe.

She addressed the small black fae and completely ignored the cat. Fair was fair, right? "I suppose you have a good reason for rooting around in my territory?" It was said with narrowed eyes, but a good-natured smirk playing on her lips. Honestly, they were a small pack, and held more land than they really needed. The occasional rogue didn't trouble her, especially when they were young enough to have probably just gotten lost. Granted with friends such as this girl seemed to have, doubtless Val wouldn't have pressed the issue anyways! The girl I could chastise, she thought, But the creature... probably not. She had called it Tiger... Was that it's name, then? She rolled it around in her mouth, wondering if Tiger had a surname as well, or a clan of similar creatures lurking about.

"Talk" "You" Think