
Let Her Come



8 Years
10-06-2014, 08:36 AM (This post was last modified: 10-06-2014, 08:37 AM by Valerius.)

First it had been sickness that had separated him from his family, breaking his promise of staying beside Emer. He hadn't wanted her to catch it- nor the children, so he hid himself away. The sickness has been harsh- with fevers and hallucinations. He'd lain awake for nights, shivering in the darkness of the set he had taken shelter in. The sickness had nearly killed him- but it was the thought of Emer- her not knowing where he would have disappeared too, that got him through the night. She deserved better than that. When he'd emerged from his set, and moved to a newer one to recover- he was confused- where was he? Where were they?

Then it had stormed. It was as if the fates didn't want him to be happy, they didn't want him to have a family. The storm had been a freak of nature- getting him lost in a land that he knew. When it was over- he found himself in his wreckage of a life, and he vowed to find her- to find Emer. So help him god he would never leave her again.

So when he finally figured out the world again, he traveled. First he explored the western lands, where they had lived- but he hadn't found her- he hadn't found anyone. He'd found himself in the Eastern lands- in the woods, as the leaves tumbled around him, their golden and brown hues painting the land. He was gaining weight slowly, but he still looked a wreck. He'd feel like a wreck until he found Emer. She helped ground him. So he traveled restlessly, looking for her- just praying in this vast land- that God would have mercy, and he'd find her again. Similar, to what he'd done in other regions, he drew to a halt deep in the woods- and tossed his head into the sky. A deep baritone howl, left him- a strangling cry for her. With any luck she'd hear him, and come. God let her come.
