
Why don't you smile?



10 Years
10-06-2014, 08:55 AM (This post was last modified: 10-20-2014, 06:12 PM by Ara.)

Ara was not a woman that smiled easily, except in the presence of few -- namely her family, and Novel -- but she couldn't contain her utter joy at seeing her sister. Her own tail waved gladly behind her, her posture relaxed and at ease upon seeing her sister for the first time in so long. Jendai had always struck her as similar to her father, perhaps a bit lost in the world despite her best intentions, though she wouldn't blame her for being gone for so long. The smile would remain, brightening her gentle features.

She hadn't missed a lot. Their youngest brother had been born recently, and though she wondered if she had witnessed it, or if she had just now arrived. Either way -- she would meet Steel and spend plenty of time with him, Ara was certain. He was far too cute to ignore. "And I'm so happy you're home," she told her, her tones soft but genuine. This was home now; just as the Kingdom of Seracia had once been. It was different here, but no less pleasant. Anywhere her family was, would be considered home to her, regardless of where it might be. "I felt bad we left Seracia so quickly, but leadership had changed and Song offered us a permanent home here. It was the best thing for mom and dad." She hadn't known the former leaders of Seracia well, but she had never cared much for politics, and in Sawtooth she knew leadership wouldn't change paws so quickly. A stable home was what they had needed, especially her parents. "I've been.. good," she started, her mind spinning as she thought of what she could possibly tell Jendai. "I've been spending a lot of time with Novel here. She's actually given birth to two boys. I'm helping to raise them. "

To what extent she would be involved in their lives, she did not know, and the slight wariness was audible in her lyrics. "I've also been given the position of Lead Healer, not that I've had much time to teach anyone anything." Admittedly she felt a bit guilty for not having held lessons yet, but she'd been so busy taking care of her parents, Steel, and Psalm and Hymn as well as Novel that she'd had little time to do anything else.

(Note to self: set soon after the birth of Psalm and Hymn, before love confession!)