
put your ring in your purse


05-18-2013, 09:59 PM
The unrelenting sun beat down, causing the handsome young brute to pant hoarsely, each paw-step slow and heavy. His jet black coat gleamed with health and vitality, yet he felt utterly exhausted. Sapphire orbs were fixed upon the ground, but all movement was ignored. He hadn't found a decent place to rest and wait out the day, so he continued on his trek mindlessly, seeking out something better. He wasn't sure what he was in search of, but he was certain that he must find company soon, even if it would be difficult to integrate with others since parting with his sister... His mind had begun to morph since that time, leaving him uncertain of himself, but sure that he would have what he wanted in life. It was his life, after all, and he wouldn't allow anyone else to dictate who he would be or what he would do. Still, he was at a point where he could easily be dyed any colour, depending upon who would come next into his life.

A sharp cry and howl for help entered his awareness, shaking him from his oblivious state. The heat of the day was no longer a bother; instead, he was interested in the voice he had heard, that of a damsel in distress. His hackles raised slightly as detestable thoughts ran through his mind, but his eyes were wild with anticipation, determined that he would find the one who had called out. Licking his lips, he set out to find her. A grin slowly made its way upon his ivory mug, and he moved with a little bounce to his step. Perhaps today would turn out more promising than he originally imagined.

It was not long before he was upon the small gathering, and his eyes lingered with interest upon each form before he approached. Though disappointed that he had not found the lady alone so he might have her to himself, he was still thrilled that he had come upon this bunch. Each of them had something about them that intrigued him deeply. His gaze lingered longest upon the red-coated vixen, her tantalizing beauty captivating him momentarily. Then he shook himself. This was no time to leave himself entranced and vulnerable. These wolves had an ominous feel to them, and he didn't want to be caught off-guard. Treading forward cautiously, he avoided eye contact, but allowed his attention to fall upon the other male, whose comment sent a smirk upon Sacrfice's face. These wolves were nothing like those he'd ever met before, but he was intensely curious to see what this meeting would turn out to be. At last, he turned his eyes to the quiet, ashen woman, whose soulless glare sent a shiver up his spine. He wondered if she would say anything, or if her slimy companion would do all the talking.