
A Long Talk Coming



5 Years
10-08-2014, 09:29 AM

Lior did not like it here. Ever since Pyrros came... and then her family had to move the girl was not quite herself. Her exploratory nature had closed down some, and she would give a soft sigh when she heard her father's call. She didn't like this new situation her family was in. She didn't like this unfamiliar place, away from home, seeming to be away from everything. The femme didn't know what she was doing anymore. Family was nice but... she felt absolutely lost now. One could not simply exist through their family. Was it wrong to crave the attention of others? Maybe. Lior didn't know... and was unsure about speaking to any of her family about such things.

The femme would rise from where she lay. She hadn't been denning with the others, off on her own much of the time, though she felt the gazes of some of them as they checked on her. Particularly her godmother, who moved through the shadows as if a wraith. But Destruction meant well. She too was having a hard time settling here, being scarce around the others. But Lior knew she could not mope forever, so she would head to where her father called from. She was not sure how much longer he had left, and though the thought of his passing scared her, she knew it would happen someday.

The silver coated girl would come to Bane's side, giving a soft cough as she approached from behind. Her father's sight had gone, and she didn't know how strong his remaining senses were. Gently Lior would press into his side, ears lowered, and she tried to keep her voice a bit happier. "How are you feeling today?"


[Image: lior_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd2n.png]