
It's All Fun and Gumballs


05-17-2013, 03:34 PM

Now, you see the last thing I expected was for her to catch onto my little game, to call me out. I though I hid my intentions to pure perfection.. I suppose the only one I was fooling was myself... However I didn't know it just yet... As of this very second everything was going as I planned. Little did I know this game we were playing was going to get a little more intense.
As I waited for her reply I continued to watch her closely. Taking in the contours of her body over and over again. As if studying for a test. I stored it all away in my own thoughts, memorising her every feature. See, tempting him was the same as playing with fire. Typically had the same burning outcome. Now everything seemed to change, before she spoke she studied me a little more, could see the real me? A puzzled expression now graced my features... One invisible brow rose as I continued to study her face, wondering just what was going on in that pretty little head of hers. Her grin then widened and this completely had me baffeled... Maybe she didn't catch on, maybe she had a wild imagination such as myself. The same between us was now closing and she moved closer, her lithe frame stretching out, and that drove me into a bit of a frenzy, holding in that twist of actions that wanted to burst free. Then her body lowered, however not in a submissive manner... What the hell was she doing? She was throwing me for a loop now. And then the silence was broken, and I listened rather intently, hanging on to her every word. At first, she seemed to go along with what I had to say, and jut before I went to speak, carefully choosing my next words, she straightened up once more.. Her body turning and the tip of the tail almost grazing my flesh as she flicked the white mass playfully in my direction. Her next set of words through what I had to say right out the window.
Me, a big bad wolf? Hardly!
I tried to sound shocked, but that in itself was a rather epic fail. And deep down inside she just lit the match. Seems as though I picked a rather suitable toy. One that in the end would make me feel rather victorious. I had went to follow her lifting one foot of the ground. but I stopped. I had to force back the burning desire. Fight it. Just then she turned once more to land her burning gaze upon me. My body froze. Inside I could feel myself trembling.. Not out of fear, out of impatience. Yet I still fought to keep it all together. Her words once more breaking into the silence. And again I choked that urge down to the best of my ability.

Now, I happen to like the name 'Big bad wolf' when it leaves your lips my dear. Gives it a rather sweet, yet erotic twist. But, my real cursing is Verin.
Named after the demon of impatience, rather suitable, dont you think?