
Reclaim from wilderness


10-06-2014, 06:08 PM

It had only been a night ago that Bass had asked her to be his wife. And she was still trying to process the happiness and excitement she felt for it all, even if it was only a few whole hours ago. But this did not cause her to wander off and abandon her duty as a Mruni. After all, Abaven had just returned home. It was time to fix make Abaven's home beautiful again. So, after hearing Motif's howl tear through the air, Wren instantly made her way toward her. Of course she wanted to be with Bass through the clean-up. But...when was the last time she spoke to someone other than Bass? Like-...a few months ago? The thought made her feel stupid. So she took being with Motif as an opportunity to talk to her and maybe become friends?
Wren leapt over the bases of the fallen trees, maneuvering around the debris and carefully making her way toward the secondary. She was the first one to arrive, as it seemed...but why did it matter to her? More alone time with Motif to talk and such while they awaited the arrival of the others. Which she guessed was some of the other Mruni's. Rhythm, who she had yet to meet. And Mirabelle. Her enemy.
The girl immediately turned her minty gaze to the Azgrat, a wide smile playing across her lips as she approached her in a happy bound. Once she was right before her, she dipped her head with a weak giggle and a friendly greeting. "It's nice to see you, Motif! I'm looking forward to working with you today." Wren raised her head and leaned back on her torso beside her leader, tail patting softly against the earth.
She stood silent for a moment, while studying the surroundings for bit. Maybe expecting some of the others on this team to emerge from the bushes in a hurry? Hmm. Maybe. Wren rocked a bit, before turning to Motif again with a wide smile. Finally realizing that this was the first time they've actually been able to talk to one another. Pft. Stupid Wren. "A-ah! You probably know my name already, but just in case, I'm Wren. I'm a good friend of your broth-" She paused and leaned forward with humiliation. There wasn't any harm in telling her about her and Bass...right? "Umm. I'm your brother's mate, and I hope we can spend some of this time to talk."
