
Strangeness Abound [Open]


05-17-2013, 03:37 PM

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No hunger? No illness? He had been in enough places that those things were so common...but she was a youngster. There would be a time that she would experience it. Maybe not now, maybe not even in the near future...but it should be something that is always in the back of an alpha's mind. He wasn't a good judge of a character lately, considering how long he had been out of contact with the rest of his kind, but she was naive. To say the least.

"Ahhh. Those kinds of things come in time, sickness and hunger. Anyway! I don't want to sound like I'm trying to dish out bits of wisdom here or sound like I'm millions of years old. Because I'm not!" Small, wry smile appeared upon his features.

He shifted slightly, realizing slowly how close she was sitting next to him. Really? He goes a few months without seeing anyone - he is still marveling - and the first wolf he sees is a lady? What are the chances? (Probably 50%) He tried not to foolishly grin at these thoughts but it was hard. He was acting dumb and he knew it, especially since the conversation turned to her pack's enemies and her brother jumping ship.

"That's probably they will attack. I'm not going to sugarcoat it for you, but luring away someone who was close to you is obviously the best way to figure things out. It wouldn't be shocking if they did try to do something..."

He wasn't sure what he wanted. Did he want to join a pack, now after all this time alone? She was an intriguing creature for sure, but it sounded like there were storm clouds brewing on the horizon. He knew not matter what he did he'd probably get swept along with it anyway, though hopefully he can stay in the shadows instead of having to lick wounds later on.