
How Much There Is To Learn



5 Years
10-06-2014, 06:44 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Strange as it was to be cryptically explaining her issues to someone who she had only just met, Anais felt better for getting what was bothering her off her chest. And thankfully the woman she spoke to was kind and patient, offering a friendly face that was attentive to everything she said. The grey-gold girl stared back at her worriedly but with a hopeful smile of her own, feeling a bit better as the sandy-colored wolf went on to describe someone else as not being all-knowing either. The name and the significance behind it were lost to Anais - who exactly was Hera? - but she did have a good point. Not everyone knows everything. And apparently the part that Anais did not know involved mischievous male wolves.

Gently the wolf tried to coax more out of her, and Anais shifted as she pushed herself up from her lying down position to sit upright, her weight moving from foreleg to foreleg anxiously. Did she tell her what had happened? Just saying what little bit that she had had done a little good. She felt better for it certainly. But the whole thing was something else, and there were still bits of it that she felt reluctant to revisit, no matter how kindly the stranger, or even family member, who asked about them.

Once again she decided on tiptoeing around the truth as much as she could to only divulge the barest bit of it. "Yeah," she admitted, "and now my family is keeping really close watch on me. Like I'm some pup who needs to be supervised." Just a little she felt irritated by it, though she knew they only meant well. They were all worried about her well being, and they just wanted to see her safe out there in the world. She still half expected one of her siblings to randomly show up to take her back home now. "I know not all wolves can be trusted," she added quietly, her words nothing more than a disappointed mutter, "but I don't seem to be able to tell the difference anymore. At least according to my parents."

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.