
HIT me with your best SHOT


05-17-2013, 03:40 PM

Okay no Frino was not going to be impressed if he had deep scars. He didn't want to be ugly! He was attached to his appearance, thank you very much. Frino breathed a sigh of relief, however, as soon as Maverick released his grip on the back of his neck. Finally! The male hissed internally, huffing in irritation as the Prince twisted away from his attempted attack, leaving Frino grasping at air, and leaving only a thin injury on his jawline. Nothing too bad, nothing that would ensure he would win, but hey, Frino wasn't dead set on winning.

In fact, right then, getting out of there seemed like a damn good idea. Maverick's body was moving swiftly, like a flashy (and handsome) fish, moving to level him with a powerful shoulder, with fangs flashing as well. Damn. Um. Frino tried to duck out of the way, but appreciating Maverick's appearance had delayed him enough that the shoulder slammed into Frino's face, causing him to stumble slightly and become dizzy him, as well as leaving him confused for a short moment. The sudden stabbing pain of fangs closing upon his left shoulder cleared up the fuzziness quickly enough, however, and Frino reacted instinctively, his tail flicking in the air behind him as he lashed out, aiming to snap his fangs in the air close enough to the left side of Maverick's face that it would distract the male from the subtle shift of Frino's weight. As his fangs closed, aiming for nothing but air (hey now, he wasn't rude enough to scar a wolf as handsome as this' face), Frino aimed to push his left shoulder against Maverick, hoping to throw the male off balance, though he doubted he had much of a chance at that.

Even as he moved, however, Frino tried to plant his paws more firmly in the ground, tail coming back out straight behind him. Ears flicked flat against his skull, unconsciously mirroring Maverick's defenses. Frino was not very good at remembering to defend himself, however, and he did not even move to escape from these close quarters or place anything more protective than these mediocre at best defenses. But hey, winning had never exactly been his goal. He had wanted nothing more than Marvel's attention. But he was absolutely not going to think about that right then.

Round 2/4

Attacks: Aiming to snap at the air on the left side of Maverick's face, and trying to shove his left shoulder into Maverick, in an attempt to throw him off balance.

Defenses: Trying to plant himself more solidly against the earth after Maverick knocked him offbalance. Frino has his tail extended for balance and his ears pinned, and that's about it.

Injuries: Potential bruising in his face where Maverick's shoulder hit, fairly deep bite wound on his left shoulder, and two gashes on the back of his neck.
