
Home Once More


10-06-2014, 08:17 PM

She heard the king's summon, but took her time to making her way to him. The land was a graveyard. An eerie reminder of just how precious life really was. Marbled eyes took in the desolate scene. Clouds still hung overhead, though, the sun shone through with all its radiance. Trees lie naked on the ground, branches cracked and broken into pieces. The land stunk of rotting flesh. The ghosts of deceased pack members haunted the lands.

Though, the life of a harlot was a life of less heartbreak, she had begun to feel a pit of loneliness in her heart. It was frightening and unwelcome. Nevertheless, it was there and weighed heavy upon her. Perhaps it was one of those middle-aged things that would soon pass over.

The blossoming Naharar would have to do some serious reevaluation. For once she had reached such a rank, so many will look to her for guidance and training and she would have to be a mirror image of what Abaven is meant to be. Especially at such at time, she would have to be a leader all the more. To become a stone in which all could rely on to shield them from harm. A trustworthy companion. Without a doubt, these responsibilities would be taken care of.

Words had been long lost when she had reached the gathering. Though, anyone could easily understand this meeting to rebuild the lands of Abaven. She took her place beside the pack's king - standing to his left side. Limbs stood tall and head set itself in its regal position as eyes would scan each member. Each one seemed to have made it through well.

Frame would lean closer to her king and whisper so that only he could hear. I believe it to be a good idea for the healers to take the job of cleaning the foliage - saving everything worth saving for their healing practices. Perhaps there is some way to preserve some of it. It will be a while before this land blossoms again and we need to make use of what we can. Perhaps us warriors could rid of the corpses, scavenging what meat is still fresh. I saw some corpses that had not been to long passed. We should not waste the nutrition they offer. We are going to need the extra energy to put this place back into Abaven quality. Maybe the messengers could work on rebuilding the dens and then offer help to who may need it. What do you think, my king? It was a suggestion her gut told her was right; however, she would see to it that whatever orders the king decided on were met. As Bass's lead warrior she felt it would be only beneficial to offer her advice and help guide the young king to the greatness he was destined to be. She was here for him, her friend, until her passing day.

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