
Wherever you may be I will find thee

Rurik I


2 Years
10-07-2014, 04:48 AM

and i'll fight to survive

Rurik wasn't so excited to hear that Isidora didn't have a back up plan. Well things could end up going very well or very poorly he thought to himself. There tended to be no middle ground for things he didn't understand himself. That's if she's better to take over Ebony, what happens if she doesn't ever get better? what then... Rurik thought long and hard on it. For now Rurik had to think of a back up plan for Isi to use in case the very poor scenario occurred because he didn't want her to be out of options if they got stuck on that road. All would be well though, that he didn't have a doubt because he liked to be multiple steps ahead for things so he could create plans in case one route of the plan failed.

Only time would tell for how long they would take to find this person they needed and only then may they get an answer that Vaughan may know or may not know how to handle. Rurik was never one for letting chances be slim in his favor there had to be something he could do to tip the scales of what others may call fate in their favor. What if there was another healer out there that knew how to handle the situation, perhaps that could be another possibility they could bank on but again it was something that wasn't exactly in his favor. Thus Rurik expressed his mind to Isidora unknowingly as his mind tended to have a mind of finding its way outside rather than staying indoors in his head "Well we may have a back up in case Vaughan doesn't know, could there could very well be another healer out there who may or may not know exactly how to handle the situation, perhaps they, that being Vaughan and that healer could work together to figure something out?" Rurik shook his head as if shaking away the thought that was coming from his maw perhaps that could've been his worst plan yet but it was certainly better than nothing if the worst case scenario appeared. However he had to wait to see how Isidora would react to his outburst of an idea that should have stayed in his head.


through this thunderous life