
Momma's Gonna Get You



10 Years
10-07-2014, 07:27 AM

Psalm was growing to be much more mischievous than she could've anticipated. He had been taught to not go far from home, and while they could hope that he would listen, he was a child and he would explore to his hearts desire. As much as she and Novel wanted to keep them safe and inside forever, it was simply not possible. But the feeling of panic that would well up inside her when she awoke to see not two, but one single child sleeping nearby, was something she could not easily shake. Somehow he had become a master at awakening before them, and slipping silently away.

The initial anxiety that welled up inside her would be forced aside as she quietly slid from beside Novel. There was likely no need to panic, and upsetting Novel for no reason was not her idea of a good morning. But there still was a bit of a rush to her step as she trailed after Psalm's scent, still fresh on the ground. His paw-steps were visible too, small prints in the dirt, so she knew he hadn't been gone for long. It didn't take much wandering to find him, darting after a toad, and instantly all of her worries melted away and a smile fell over her lips as she barked softly in greeting to her son. "Psalm," she'd call out to the boy, her voice full of gentle laughter. "What on earth are you doing?" The amount of curiosity and wonder that he held in his gaze was wonderful and she padded towards him quietly so as to not frighten the toad.