
Unsteady Return



05-17-2013, 03:55 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Though her leg still pained her, though she desperately wished for a healer to show up and help her get her injury taken care of and tended to, she managed to smile as Ookami confirmed what she had suspected about her being Thane's mate. She knew the male only from the few hunting expeditions she had managed to complete with him, regarded him as her superior and leader when it came to her pack duties, and was glad to know that outside of his well earned and respectable job that he was making a life - and family - for himself. For all he was doing, he deserved this small happiness. "Congratulations," she managed to interject as the wolf spoke, admiring the bravery and dedication of the couple to pursue pups. Though she had her misgivings about them, had even spoken of them once to her most trusted confidante, she knew they were viewed as a blessing by most.

Kindly, the green-eyed she-wolf expressed a wish that she could have been more help to the injured Ashtoreth, and the slim grey wolf could only smile. How? There was the question she had been hoping to avoid, the details about her poor judgment that had led her to trust a shady character when she should have left him be. "I was attacked," she answered simply, reluctantly, her gold and purple eyes drifting away with a touch of embarrassment and self-directed disappointment. "I thought he was going to help me out of the rain. He thought he was going to teach me a lesson. We were both wrong." At the very least she had that to cling to; for all his bravado and daring, she had still managed to give him a run for his money. In all honesty, it could have turned out a lot worse.

Ever thoughtful, Ookami offered to act as her escort if she thought she could make it to the dens, and she couldn't help but smile at the generous offer. Pregnant and hungry and she was still willing to help another out when it ought to have been the other way around. Or at least would have been if Ashtoreth's leg hadn't been out of commission. Ash shifted upon the ground, rolling a little as she prepared herself to rise. "Yeah, I think so," she answered as she furrowed her brow and set her jaw, pushing slowly off of the ground with her good three paws and gingerly holding the other hind leg aloft. It was a little precarious, and she felt wobbly, but she had made it to a standing position. So far so good. Her leg still hurt, but she was sure if she could make it back to the dens that she could rest in peace at the very least. "Ready when you are," she stated with a tight smile, ready to push past the pain to get to where they needed to go.