
Following the Stream up North [PACK HUNT]



5 Years
10-07-2014, 12:49 PM
ooc: I'm a dork. I just realized that was not much for you guys to go on and I do apologize. I'll pick a target so you guys actually having something to respond to. Kat and Tea up to you if you want to post again after this since I goofed everything up. xD Deadline is still the 10th at noon!

Emerald jewels gleamed at D?gmar watched the yearlings begin searching for the scent. Of course her attention was fixed primarily on Gaia. Eyebrows drifted up slightly in surprise at the femme's sigh. Did she want in on the action? D?gmar kept her peace. There would be other opportunities to give the crippled fae a chance at a kill but D?gmar didn't feel like explaining to Katja why one of the pups was dead within such a short span of their claiming. That could get? awkward. Of course the others were at almost equal risk. The wraith let the thought roll off her back like water off a duck. Nothing she cared to do about it now. This many growing mouths meant that much more meat. One bison would have them set for the week.

As expected the howl rang out and D?gmar grinned, loping over to the gray femme. "Well done, Gaia." She waited patiently for the others to arrive and once they had she gestured to the herd. The bison were aware of the wolves so there was no need to lower her voice. The did not spook easily like deer.. which would be part of the challenge. "There, on the right side of the herd near that fallen tree. there are 3 or 4 young bison, probably about 6 months old. Their mothers can be quite defensive but they'll be easier to ground than an adult. Now then, everyone will rush the herd on that end, biting and snarling as nasty as you can, we must get them running. Which ever calf begins to lag behind that will be the target. Laufey, Solo and I will work on the mother and try to keep her away from the calf. Nemesis, Andromeda, Freyja and Hephaestus it is your task to take down that calf. Any questions?" D?gmar waited for a moment then nodded. "Right, let's get this party started."

With a viscious snarl she bolted toward the heard, hackles raised, tail in the air like a banner as her maw parted to reveal blood-thirsty ivories.