
Anybody out there


05-17-2013, 03:55 PM

It seemed as though now, I wasn't the only predator. She too was mockingly the same.. We were both a lot a like. And combined that could be a dangerous mixture. Like throwing a match into a tank of gasoline. Just sit back and watch the explosion. Her every word dripped of a venom that the wise would turn away from... But not I.. I craved little encounters such as this. It added onto the suspense, and filled my blood with adrenaline. Her words lingered as I pieced them together. My grin only widened to the point that it couldn't go any longer. Causing my damn face muscles to burn, before I removed it. Of course I didn't respond to her.. Not to that phrase. I'll simply prove to her that I can be rather inspirational.

It amazed me how perfect her body meshed into the shadows. How she fit so well, even with her vibrant shade. Something I hadn't expected but it certainly did hold my attention. It was as if she too belonged there. She then continued to speak, her taunting words causing a deep, and dark chuckle to rise from my throat.
Trapped? Hardly, dear. It would take a little more than the sway of a hip and temptatious words to trap the likes of me. Intrigued though, of course!
I continued to follow her deeper into the shadows. A place where I truly belonged. My body easily towered over hers, however I wouldn't consider her weak due to that simple fact. There was a darkness inside this minx, a darkness that I could connect to. And the little nickname loverboy, why the way she said it, it just rolled off her tongue causing my muscles to tighten, my body becoming stiff. That urge was back again, to take her in the shadows whether she wished of it or not. To do as I pleased with her. I could feel my canines gritting, fighting it once more. Only question was, how much longer could I resist this urge? It took me a minute to realize just what she had asked me. I was to captivated by her voice alone. And finally it sunk it, she wished to know my cursing.
The calling is Verin... Named solely after the demon of impatience, my dear
I couldn't help but offering her a wink. Followed by even more of a devious, toothy grin.