
Where The Ferns Cry


10-07-2014, 04:06 PM
I Moved Along My Path, My Last Encounter None Too Memorable In The North. Will I Ever Find A Place Where I Belong? Perhaps Not Anytime Soon. Although I Do Wish To Find A Pack That Is Suitable To Me. Or Perhaps One Day... Even A Lover. My Paws Brush Upon The Dirt, Coarse Pelt Brushing Past The Ferns And Bushes As I Walk Near Them. I Stop, Looking Up I Can See The Birds Overhead With Their Families, Teaching Young Ones To Fly Before They Begin Their Own Lives...Their Own Families. Sigh...Why Can I Not Have Something Like That? I Murmured Within My Own Head. Pressing On, My Black And Brown Body Seemed To Almost Blend In With My Surroundings, Would Anyone Notice Me? I Was Nothing Special. The Colors And Pattern Of A Rottweiler, Even No Tail...I Do Not Feel Normal. My Tragic Past Has Led Up To My Current Demise...What Man Would Love Me? I Do Not Have A Tail, I Do Not Have Many Of The Feminine Curves So Desired In A Woman. But I Do Have A Heart...I Do Have Many Qualities That Make Me Who I Am Today. I Crave Conversation, The Warmth Of Another. And Although I Am Young, I Feel So...Alone.