
It's All Fun and Gumballs


05-17-2013, 04:07 PM
It's all fun and gumballs until sombody gets chewed.

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"My name is Meravue, some call me Mera, some call me Vue, but I perfer simply Meravue," she told him once he told her what his name was."Verin," she tested his name upon her lips. "No, I think big bad wolf suits you much better," she giggled playfully, swatting her tail through the air behind her. She now had completely turned to face him again, still as alert as before and just as daring. However now she yawned, her jaws departing from one another, acting as though she was bored. She lowered the upper half of her body which stretched far out from the rest of her, her tail pointing upward to the sky while her eyes never left his stare. She strengtened back up rather slowly, pushing her shoulders back and staring at him for a moment with the same devious glint in her eyes.

He was playing along which somewhat disappointed her. She was hoping he would get angry and lash out for her mocking him. He was among the first to not react that way to her teasing him. Which made her assume that he was up to something. Something that he wanted very badly to not be at all bothered by her teasing. Or at least he did not seem to be bothered by it. Perhaps she is the one being played. The idea of it disgusted her, and at the same time she found it intregueing that someone would do it back. She was so used to others not going along with her teasing and getting angry with her. So rarely did they play back or at least become hostile toward her. She always seemed to bite off more than she could chew. Yet, this one seemed quite different from the other wolves she had encountered before. She had no idea what his motives were and that had her slightly worried, but she was more interested with messing with him more that she really did not care what they were. She was even more curious now, and her talons dug into the soil beneath her, grasping the dirt before releasing it and allowing her body to completely relax. Her smile had completely vanished, and all that remained was a gentle small grin that was still across her muzzle.

"You are after all," she continued, her voice light and daring. "a big...bad...wolf," she said and between each word she paused for a moment, her tail elevated, but not in a hostile manner, and flickered to one side then stopping as she said the next world. In the gap between each word her tail flickerd to the other side in a teasing manner. The glow in her eyes also greatly intensified.