
Where The Ferns Cry


10-07-2014, 05:29 PM

Ooc:: I'm honestly fine with you writing in first person if you're more familiar with it, dear. ^^ I think it's interesting.

Biull couldn't help but frown deeply, seeing how she was so startled even by his raspy voice. Could it be this femme really was so much like himself? Scared easily... not one to fight. The speckled male would regard her with a bit of gentleness in his gaze. She had been hurt, her missing tail said that, just as the scars over his green eye told his own story of such things. When she spoke, even her own voice sounded quiet. How Biull could relate to this femme, even if their meeting was hardly a minute long yet. He understood the position she had to be in... and understanding brought others together, regardless of whom they were.

"Nice to... you..." The words came out broken, the broken, missing word just a gasp of air. His voice was weak, quiet, but Biull wanted to speak, to have companionship just the same as any other. Wolves were social creatures -- they were not meant to be alone. "I... Biull... This land... Alacritia..." He would give her a small smile, his tail wagging weakly behind him. "... Lands are... nice. ...Should stay." Perhaps even stick together for a while. He was lonely again... and tired of it... and this femme wasn't like the last he met, who tried to attack him. No... perhaps they could get along just fine.

Walk "Talk" Think