
Athena x Vereux Armada


10-07-2014, 05:58 PM
I Would Like To Apply For The Male :)

Name: Varius Armada

Design: #3

Appearance: At The Age Of Adulthood, Varius Will Have Made It To Thirty Six Inches (Or A Bit More If I Can Afford It By Then), And One Hundred And Forty-Five Pounds. He Bears Dark Coloring On His Entire Pelt, The Only Exception Being The Lighter Grey Tinted With A Blue Hue On His Underside. He Will Be Large And Bulky, But The Majority Of That Is Not Fat, But Muscle. Due To Living In The Northern Province Of Alacritia, He Must Be Lean And Muscular To Have The Stamina Needed To Hunt And Fight In The Snow. His Eyes Are A Piercing Crimson Red, Taking The Coloring From His Mothers Dual Colored Eyes. His Pelt Is Thick And Coarse, Keeping Him Perfectly Warm Within Their Frozen Home. His Menacing Glare Is Nothing To Take Lightly. Then Again, Due To His Inbred Lineage He Has Acquired The Blind Trait...But He Manages To Play It Off Well Most Times.

Effects of Inbreeding: Blindness, Agression.

Varius At First Will Be A Bit Shy, Having The Inability To See Hampers His Confidence From Time To Time, But He Will Get Over It Someday. He Wants To Prove That He Can Be A Warrior, Worthy Of A Throne Of His Own Someday & A Protector Of His People. Despite His Handicap, He Can Be Quite Formidable In Battle Once He Learns How To Use His Other Senses More Proficiently. He Will Be A Great Tracker, His Sense Of Smell Heightened Due To His Lack Of His Sight Sense. One Thing About His Nature Is That He Prefers To Keep To Himself When It Comes To Strangers, Often Times He Will Be Tight-lipped & May Only Respond In Short Curt Nods Or Words. It Is Hard To Gain His Trust, But Once You Have It You Will Have An Ally For A Long Time. He Can Be A Good Judge Of Character, Lacking Naivete Due To His Untrusting Nature. But That Can't Be Helped, He Cannot See So It Is A Vital Part Of His Personality.

One Thing He Does Like To Do, Is Care For His Frail Sister. He Will Strive To Protect Her. And Thanks To His Attained Aggressive Nature, Potential Suitors (If His Sister Chooses To Have One), Will Have A Hard Time Bypassing Him. His Sister Seems To Be The Only One Able To Calm Him And Keep Him In A Calm State Should He Become Aggressive. Also Due To This, His Fighting Style Is Often Times More On The Offensive As Opposed To Defensive, However, The Blindness Factor May Balance It Out At Times. He Can Be Easily Provoked, Hot Headed, And Hates Being Told What To Do; But Will Listen To Those He Respects. Seldom Will He Be Playful Or Joking, Preferring To Remain On The More Serious And Sharp Side Of Things...With The Exception Of His Sister Of Course. He Will Play With Her And Entertain Her, And His Gentle Side Will Only Ever Be Shown With her. Loyal And Protective Is He, Which Makes Him A Good Addition For Any Potential Ally.