
It's All Fun and Gumballs


05-17-2013, 04:26 PM

Meravue, her name was repeated a few times before stored away, along with her scent incase they were needed for future refrences. Which surely they would be used again.
Well then, Meravue it is.
Perhaps it would be wiser for her to hide her true identity by the likes of me. Or, perhaps she did? Was that really her name? I hadn't the slightest clue. But I would take it. Her next remark caused me to smirk, and that playful giggle tickled the insides of my ears. Which in return caused me to chuckle, this time not so friendly. I had forgot to 'cover' the rough, demonic sound with a more lighter tone. To late now, can't go back and fix that mistake. I watched her as she spun around once more, not like the view of her ass was a bad thing.. It simply caused the imagination to broaden, but now she faced me directly. Her lips parted to force out a yawn. Her front half lowering to the cold earths surface, her lengthy body stretching out. And she could have pulled it off rather well, the only thing that gave off the fact that it was all a act was the fact her eyes never left me. Those lids didn't cover them to add onto the tired bored look. She remained alert. However I would go along with it. Even if her little game was beginning to crawl beneath my skin.
Surely I can't be that boring, am I?
I made sure to drawl out the word that to make it seem a little more dramatic. I however kept my cool, tried to remain relaxed and collected. Even though the mocking and the gestures were infact teasing my patience. But mockingly, I did the same as her. Offering up a smirk before I too stretched out my front half, making a moaning sound as I did so, as if enjoying the loosening of muscles, lips departed to force out a rather noticeably fake drawn out yawn. Pink tongue sent to hang over dulled canines before pulling it back in and straightening out my posture once more. Two can play this little game. Although personally, I wasn't sure how long I could hold up my end.
Lengthy appendages moved me closer to her now, causing the space between us to slowly disappear. Until we were merely inches away from our bodies touching, that sneer grin tugging a little more at the corners of my mouth as she continued to speak.
Well then, I suppose I could be whatever you want me to be.
My cranium easily positioned over her, green pools sent to run down her spine, stopping at the base of her tail before focusing down on her face once more.