
The Kid I Used To Be.



10-07-2014, 10:57 PM
Ooc;// this character is new and I don't know it. So I am just going to type and let her become what she will.

It was early. An early morning for a restless soul. Tessi couldn't remember the last time her head had left her alone long enough to have a pleasant sleeping experience. She didn't trust enough for that. Not in a world where no one cared about the right thing. The sun had yet to wash up over the horizon, but light had already taken to the sky. And with the came some calm to the paranoid woman's mind. She had survived another night. No one had promised her that she would. And in this world, you never knew what would come for you in the dark. Tessi knew better than most. Sense birth she'd done nothing but run for cover and hold out until morning. There where a few good memories back through the pages, but all the bad ones where clearer and easier to remember. There had been a lot of wolves who wanted her to have nothing. And they had made her what she was. A ball of Paranoia and Spite.

It was a hell of a way to live. Always trying to make it to tomorrow. Uncertainty was a sick and cruel mistress. Because once you became adjusted to that feeling that something was chasing you, it was hard to stop running, even when you where finally out of danger. It was a drug. It was really an addiction. There was nothing Tessi hated more than feeling like she had to look over her shoulder and feel like the world was out to get her. But you can't hate something you don't love. There was no finer concept to consider than this. This was all familiar. It was something she knew. There was a safety to it. Hiding from the boggy man was something she knew how to do. If she wasn't scared of the dark, how could she enjoy the light?

Light was comfort. Even on a particularly grey morning such as this. The sky was cloudy and a breeze blew threading of rain. But there was light. And that brought calm to the woman's bones. She laid on her belly on the strip of land, And off to ether side of her sat a landmass. She would explore both before settling, bit for now she just wanted to lay there. Her maw rested on her maw in front of her as her two different colored eyes looked out over the waters. Her grey pelt was starting to get shaggy as her winter belt was beginning to come in, and those eyes looked aged beyond their years. She had no where to be, so for just this moment she chose to remain. She'd managed to find some calm, she intended to enjoy it.