
Because I Love You



11 Years
10-08-2014, 01:20 AM
Bane inhaled deeply as he sat before Tahlia. The scent of his mates conditioned slightly lessoned by the fact that she remained sitting. His peck on the cheek was returned by her, feeling her tongue rasp along the corner of his maw. Perked ears heard the nervousness, the uncertainty, as she inquired about if he knew her reason for summoning him. And he knew. He had known from the past few days as the signs grew ever stronger in the den they shared. "So. Do you want me to act? To preform the dance again that may yield offspring?" Bane tried to smile, proved some reassurance with those words. Erase his own uncertainty and hesitation with her acknowledgment of what he'd asked. But the old male was still nervous.

Would it still work for them? At his age? He couldn't help but flinch as he brought his nose against hers, thinking the she was farther away. To answer her question. "Yes Tahlia. I know. And already," Bane murmured with a lick on her chin. A deep inhalation of his mate's scent that she was able to conceive young brought back memory's of earlier times when they had stolen time away from their responsibilities to physically bond together. "I wish I felt about it like by the river during the waning days of last summer. Or when the snow first fell. Now I am unsure that this'll work. I don't know if I carry the other part within me anymore. To preform as I once could." He hung his head. Shameful words for him to admit to Tahlia when she was receptive to any advances he could make.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•