
Verita Forseti


10-08-2014, 02:52 AM
Out-of-Character Name: Rubyss (Rubo)
How did you get here?: I was sent by the delightful Aoto
Age: 18

Character's Name: Verita Forseti - just a note. Would someone mind changing my account name to Verita for me? Thanks (:
Age: 3
Season of Birth: Spring
Adult Height: 29 inches
Appearance Description: Verita is a smaller wolf at 29 inches tall. She isn't so dainty that she cannot fend for herself, with her average build, but instead is swift, alert, and light on her feet. Verita plays a defensive position better than an offensive one, as she is more skilled at responding to blows with her speed and catching another off guard than making the first move. A full coat of midnight gray - a sort of deep blue-gray - lends to splashes of dusty gold at the tips of her ears. To match, golden socks bathe her front two paws - one a little higher than the other. Her nose is black as can be, but her eyes are a happy, deep golden color that allow for lots of dreamy gazing.
Calling: Might I make a suggestion? Leader - one who guides and inspires others to achieve goals that they may not be capable of alone.