
Together Forever


10-08-2014, 03:37 PM

The young male would follow his sister, trekking to the even colder bits of the north where snow blanketed the ground. It was autumn, the season of their birth, and Ritsuka could feel a bit of happiness returning to his heart. Once more the Legendary and Epic would be together, as they should have been, as they needed to be. They were parts of a whole, a brother and sister duo that completed each other. Suka found himself smiling, his eyes a bit brighter as he crunched through the snow. "I'm coming, I'm coming." Since reuniting with Haruka his mind stopped it's buzzing, its constant hum of threats and horrors. This... was the right path.

When they arrived at the borders he would look around, his ears perked up. So... So this would be his new home? He would look back to the smaller femme, breathing out. "It has it's own beauty, Epic. Unlike where we were born, and yet... It captures the eye." His coat was not quite as thick as it should have been for the weather, but by the time winter hit he'd be able to endure well enough. He just had to get used to this part of Alacritia, as his sister had. "I'm glad that I'm here." He would say softly, for her ears alone, should someone already be close.

"Listen To Ritsuka," "Listen To Haruka," 'Read Ritsuka's Thoughts.'